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Holiday Traditions from Our Team to You

The magic of the holidays always begins with the… people! Gathering with friends and family is always special no matter the reason, but the holiday spirit brings nostalgia like no other. Keeping traditions alive It was so fun to sit down with the team and learn about their own traditions that they look forward to each holiday!


I love the magic of the whole season!! Seeing my kids excitement and reactions to Santa coming, the holiday lights outside, the music, the advent season of waiting and preparation, and most importantly quality time with loved ones. We have a great time with family sharing a wonderful meal, playing holiday games, exchanging gifts and lots of card playing. I love that my husband and I have started the tradition of gifting experiences to our children, we have the best memories from that time together. Growing up my favorite memory was waking up Christmas morning and seeing if I beat my brother as the first one up to see if Santa came.


I’ve always loved baking & decorating sugar cookies with my mom! We make homemade caramels & fudge and almond bark pretzels- all the goodies. We would put together a cute Christmas box & ribbon and drive around town to deliver them to friends & family. I bake every year with my mom still & now my two sons and their cousins! It’s special to pass down traditions through generations now!


Growing up I loved going to my great grandparents for Christmas Eve! They had a tinsel tree that was decorated with vintage glass ornaments that always brought the magic! I’m looking forward to creating new holiday traditions as newlyweds with my husband this year. Spending time with each other’s families and decorating our first tree are two I’m looking forward to most!


Our family loves to do gingerbread houses every year, and we each decorate our own! We have two kids and it’s so fun to see how they use their creativity! We also do a large appetizer spread on Christmas Eve and snack and play board games. It’s my favorite! My daughter has been really into cooking, so she loves finding new recipes to create together!


When we were kids Santa came while we were at Christmas Eve mass so we could have the whole evening to enjoy our new toys before traveling to my Grandma’s in the morning to meet up with all of our cousins. It was so fun to have the evening with our family of 5 and not have to rush in the morning. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I realized how special that time was.


My family likes to get hot cocoa and snacks to drive through Jolly Holiday Lights in Altoona! It’s fun to look forward to each year and see the fascinating light displays and support the wonderful cause. Then we go ice skating at Brenton Skating Plaza in Des Moines!


A tradition that’s been created in the past few years is on Christmas Eve we take a short, brisk walk to Church (with a hot toddy in hand of course :) for the Christmas even Candlelight service. On Christmas morning we wear our PJ’s, open gifts with the kids, & enjoy Danish Puff Pastry (my mom’s recipe!). She brought it into the office and all the girls understood the hype!


Gingerbread house decorating has become a special tradition in the Blum house! Victor, my oldest son, created this tradition a few years ago and it since has evolved to creating an entire Gingerbread village for display around our home. We find the most unique candies to decorate with and love to see what the kiddos create.

Merry Christmas, friends! Now, we can’t wait to hear your traditions! Please share your favorite memories from the holidays or new traditions you’ve started!


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